Antoine Franҫois

Autors: ELKS | Datums: 24/12/2014

As a real Brussels ‘ketje’, he helps the Latvian production team finding the most beautiful locations for the festival and deals with the many Belgian suppliers and governments for all kinds of approvals – which in Brussels is a hell of a job! Antoine is married to a half Latvian in Brussels and is therefore familiar with the great Latvian culture and tradition. After successfully getting a Sound & Broadcast Engineering degree from The University of Wales, he came back to Brussels to do a bachelor in Electronics at the VUB. He has since then been working for 5 years as a technical and production manager at VK Concerts / De Vaartkapoen, a legendary 600p alternative music venue, organizing around 60 concerts a year and a big three day outdoor festival for their 25th birthday.

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A. Jērums

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