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Band “Raxtu Raxti” will accompany the grand concert

Autors: ELKS | Datums: 21/03/2015


Since 2012 the musical band “Raxtu Raxti” literally mesmerizes listeners. Why such admiration? Because “Autobuss Debesīs”, the rock group so popular in Latvia, has teamed-up with widely renowned ethnomusicians. Because favorite old and new songs alike are performed in a manner so close to folk music and in a style unique to this group. Because they offer a fresh take on familiar folk songs. Because the group speaks to modern audiences with a distinctive sound that draws from traditions past. This group plays traditional Latvian and other world-music instruments. The “Raxtu Raxti” music-making mission is comparable to a pair of densely patterned mittens hand-knit in the best traditions of folk art.

"In song we met, in song let us celebrate!"

A. Jērums


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